ok. FIRST. this account has been moved to the new bl0gger type. so ya. l0g details as foll0wed:
user/email ; 6o2.compassion.2oo6@gmail.com
pass ; saMe as last tiMe.
NEXT. i not sure when the CNY celebration will be on. but i thiNk sld be on FRI, 16th FEB 07.[to be confiRmed] okies. most sec schs celebrating on this day BUT still n0rmal scho0l day. as you all know, MRS NG ONLY ALLOWS THE EX-ROSYTHIANX TO COME IN WITHIN A VISITING HOURS. GRR.. so you all thiNk it wld be a go0d idea to liKe make yourself fRee the wh0le day f0r 6o2? liKe a reunion or paRty or gathering wadeva la. so even if you cant make it duRing the CNY visitng houRs then can still see each other loxz. you all thiNk its a go0d idea?
give ya views and c0mments or wadeva la. i well, thiNk its a n0t badd idea. LOLS!
but h0pe to see ya all so0n!!! MISSES~